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Powershell CmdLet Set-Printer fails with 0x80070709

Powershell has some serious problems by creating printers. I found a way to workaround this issue, and it is quite simple

We are running several Powershell scripts at our server to add printer remotly at the printserver. From time to time we see the error 0x80070709 with something like “unknown server”. We traced this problem, after we see that some printers fail to get created while some successfully got created at the printserver. So there wasn’t a general problem regarding our server, it had something to do with the set-printer powershell call.

After some investigation we found out, that only printers that start(!) with a lowercase character are failing to create. If we change the first char to uppercase, the printers got created without any problem. So maybe someone will help this. I don’t know why or where this happens, but it does and is reproducible

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